Arlo Goes Climbing

I have encouraged Arlo's desire to climb since he was pulling up.  Today I took him to the Austin Rock Gym which has a ton of bouldering problems and a couple of top rope routes.  It was his first time in a harness and on some real hand and foot holds.  He did great, had a lot of fun on the wall and the matt, and wore his little body out pretty quick.  I even got a few ascents in as well.

Happy Half Birthday Thatcher-Mo

My family celebrated half birthdays growing up. 

It was usually something small but special, maybe a half day with just Dad and me, or a half an ice cream sundae. One time I was saving my money for a bike and my parents pitched in the other half. My sisters and I loved the tradition. 

As a parent, half years fell good to. This has been a challenging 6 months. It's been a real milestone for Thatcher too. He always wants to be engaged, or play, or do something!  Enough of this napping all the time!

